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Building a Healthy Home - Indoor Air Circulation And Ordering Based on the Sunshine Room

When will build a house, everyone would expect if the house is built to meet and later referred to as a beautiful home, healthy and comfortable. For the beauty aspect of course is relative, because the view is usually not the same person when it came to the beauty of the building. But when it comes to the health aspect, usually the standard is uniform. In this case, we might agree if it was healthy home meets certain criteria, including: air circulation is good, the room is getting enough natural light from the sun, the room layout that allows the movement of residents to activities, the availability of open land to plant crops, etc..

On occasion this time I will discuss about building a healthy house with views on the circulation of air and natural lighting in the rooms in the house.

Air Circulation

Ventilation systems in residential buildings are usually obtained through a vent or vent. For the outermost region of the room using the ventilation building for the air flow, while for a room in the middle position of the building can use the catcher channel the wind, or so-called channel or tower wind catchers wind catcher. To create a natural flow of air can vents are usually made in two areas of the wall. Pressure difference inside and outside of the building will help the air flow from vents in the area of one wall to wall vetilasi in other areas. The number of air ventilation in buildings (houses) should be sufficient to support the process of air circulation, fresh air flows from outside into the room.

Form of ventilation is commonly used for traditional window shutters of the glass or wood panels that can be opened wide during the day. Then there bouvenlicht windows, ie windows with a glass blade 2 has a gap between them that allows the exchange of air. Bouvenlicht usually installed in bathrooms or toilets. There are also types nako glass windows with glass blades that can be opened the lid. It also can be shaped ventilation holes wind grid with a horizontal arrangement of the walls of the building. Method to make the vents also vary by making a hole walls, wood frame with grid horizontal direction, or use the rooster of concrete materials, metal, aluminum or wood.

The best system is used to design ventilation systems which is a natural cross-ventilation system (cross ventilation), the ventilation system shall be cross-ventilation so that can flow from one point to the point of ventilation air ventilation, and so otherwise. With the pressure difference inside and outside the building, the air flow will not be 'stuck' in the house, which caused the house feels stuffy and hot. Other ways can also be done by creating a garden with voids in the house, garden and voids inside the house will help the air circulation in the middle of the room in the house is quite far from the field wall.

If you use the air vents are less experienced, it can be alternative ways of active ventilation methods by adding exhauster that is active with the help of electrical energy and the flow will suck the air out of the room, to forced to exchange with fresher air from outside through the ventilation holes.

If your house is in urban areas, and the condition of your home really is not possible to use natural
ventilation (invoice pollution, density or level of a high building density), you can use artificial ventilation systems such as Air Conditioner (AC). Course should in planned clearly how the capacity and the number of Air Conditioner that will be used.

Planning and Setting Direction Based Room Sunshine

We all must understand that the sun moves from east to west for 12 hours each day. The abundant light that can bring many benefits to humans, including at home. But if not handled and used properly, the sun will only cause inconvenience because of the potential increase in room temperature. For that there are several ways that can be used to determine the position and the openings on the direction of the sun.

Plan Houses

a. Bedroom

In order for the morning sun can enter this room, bedroom place in the southeast to the northeast. Incoming rays makes you not feel like getting the morning. In addition, this side does not accept the late afternoon heat, so comfortable to wear for a rest.

b. Family Room, Guest Room, and
Dining Room

Joint space should be the northwest side or the southwest. In this position will have the natural light and warm. But to reduce the heat on the west side, there is need for special processing such as the use of damping material the use of heat or wind screen.

c. Bathroom

Usually, the bathroom is an area that his level of high humidity, so this area is best when getting direct sunlight. Put the bathroom on the west side or east.

d. Kitchen

Kitchen with cooking equipment has the potential to become high-temperature space, then the best option is on the north or south side.

e. Space Support / Services

This space is a priority second only to the main rooms have been placed first. The west side of the less comfortable for humans, because it is too hot-the ideal place for the laundry room and drying, so as not to humid and dry laundry faster.

f. Openings

In general, openings such as doors or windows should be located on the north or south because it is not exposed to direct sunlight. If forced to opening doors and windows are in a position north or south, it can be 'tricked' to install blinds (shades or blinds) on the door or window openings of the dominant material of glass. So that the intensity of sunlight that enters a house or room can be arranged in such a way.

Thus an article on planning a healthy house building this time, the next article I will write about the planning of a healthy living from the side of the layout design (layout) and sanitation.

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boleh dcba!!!!!